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node v18.11.0
version: 0.1.2
const asciiCode = (letter) => { if (!letter.slice(0)) return undefined; if (letter.slice(1)) return `This is not a latter, it is a word or words`; return String(letter.codePointAt(0)) } function asciiToBinary(letter, toBase = 2, output = "") { if (toBase <= 1) return "Error: An integer less than two cannot be used in this conversion." const division = (code) => { if (code < toBase) return `${code}${output}`; output = `${Math.floor(code % toBase)}${output}` return division(Math.floor(code / toBase)) } const putZero = (number, zeros = []) => { for (let index = 0; index < number; index++) zeros.push("0") return `${zeros.map(m => m).join("")}` } const binaryCode = (code) => { if (code.split("").length < 8) return `${putZero(8 - code.split("").length)}${code}` return code } return { letter, asciiCode: asciiCode(letter), binaryCode: binaryCode(division(asciiCode(letter))) } } console.log(asciiToBinary("0"))

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