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Splitting Expanded Opportunities

node v10.24.1
version: 3.4.0
const { fromJS } = require("immutable"); // opportunities with repeated relationships and stages const fetchedOpportunities = [ {_id: "foo", relationship: { _id: "relFoo", name: "Arya" }, stage: { _id: "stgFoo", name: "A girl" }}, {_id: "bar", relationship: { _id: "relBar", name: "Bran" }, stage: { _id: "stgBar", name: "Climber" }}, {_id: "baz", relationship: { _id: "relFoo", name: "Arya" }, stage: { _id: "stgBaz", name: "No one" }}, {_id: "qux", relationship: { _id: "relBar", name: "Bran" }, stage: { _id: "stgQux", name: "Three-eyed Raven" }}, {_id: "quux", relationship: { _id: "relFoo", name: "Arya" }, stage: { _id: "stgBaz", name: "No one" }} ]; // build a map containing unique opportunities, relationships, and stages that should be cached const cacheData = fetchedOpportunities.reduce((acc, opportunity) => { const { _id, relationship: { _id: relationshipId } = {}, stage: { _id: stageId } = {} } = opportunity; // immutable is nice because it always returns a new structure with capability of chaining additional commands // 1. create a new object based on opportunity, overwrite relationship and stage with objects or null // 2. map the opportunity by id // 3. if we have a relationship id, map the relationship by its id // use update here because we need to conditionally add the relationship // update's `updater` function gets the current value as its parameter // if we have a relationshipId, use `set` to update the current value of `relationships` // otherwise, return the current value // 4. if we have a stage id, map the stage by its id // (again, use updage because we need to conditionally add the stage) // same pattern as above const opportunityData = { ...opportunity, relationship: relationshipId != null ? { _id: relationshipId } : null, stage: stageId != null ? { _id: stageId } : null }; return acc .setIn(["opportunities", _id], opportunityData) .update("relationships", relationships => relationshipId != null ? relationships.set(relationshipId, opportunity.relationship) : relationships ) .update("stages", stages => stageId != null ? stages.set(stageId, opportunity.stage) : stages ); }, fromJS({ opportunities: {}, relationships: {}, stages: {} }));
// you can access the opportunity ids from the map using the keys iterator const opportunityIds = [...cacheData.get('opportunities').keys()];
// you can access the opportunities const opportunities = cacheData.get('opportunities').toJS();
// you can access the relationships const relationships = cacheData.get('relationships').toJS();
// ...and the stages const stages = cacheData.get('stages').toJS();

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