
node v16.18.0
version: 1.0.1
const got = require('got') const { default: ow } = require('ow')
const registeredIdHelper = { 'defaults': { 'description': null, 'id': null, 'registrationAuthority':'Construction Specifications Institute (CSI)', 'type':'master-format-cost-code', 'validFrom':'2012-04-01', 'validTo':null }, 'required': [ 'description', 'id' ], validate (constructorArgs) { const { required } = registeredIdHelper ow(constructorArgs, ow.object.hasKeys(...required)) } } class RegisteredIdentifier { constructor(properties = {}) { const { defaults, validate } = registeredIdHelper validate(properties) Object.assign(this, defaults, properties) } valueOf() { return this.id } } const DFN_BASE_URL = 'https://www.arcat.com/divs/sec/sec' const DFN_FILE_EXT = '.shtml' const NO_WHITESPACE = '' class CostCode extends RegisteredIdentifier { toString() { const section = this.valueOf().replace(/\s+/g, NO_WHITESPACE) return `${DFN_BASE_URL}${section}${DFN_FILE_EXT}` } }
const CODES_URL = 'https://gitlab.com/better-family-demolition/construction-codes/-/snippets/2188796/raw/main/csi-master-format-cost-codes-2012-04-01.json' const initCostCodes = (ref, costCodeList) => { const value = costCodeList.map(attrs => new CostCode(attrs)) Object.defineProperty(ref, 'costCodes', { enumerable: true, value, writable: false }) } /** Creates data objects with properties that represent CSI MasterFormat® standards. */ class MasterFormat { /** Create a data object. */ constructor(costCodes=[]) { initCostCodes(this, costCodes) } /** * Create a MasterFormat.prototype with * all 7,533 construction cost codes. * @param {String} codesUrl - A URL of Party.RegisteredIdentifiers, formatted as JSON. * @return {MasterFormat} A MasterFormat.prototype with cost codes. */ static async factory (codesUrl=CODES_URL) { let masterFormat = null try { const codes = await got.get(codesUrl).json() masterFormat = new MasterFormat(codes) } catch (err) { console.error(err) throw err } return masterFormat } }
const main = async () => { const CODE_ID = '02 31 13' const masterFormat = await MasterFormat.factory() const costCode = masterFormat .costCodes .filter(({ id }) => id === CODE_ID) .shift() console.info('MasterFormat.factory creates a MasterFormat.prototype object with %d cost codes', masterFormat.costCodes.length) console.log('valueOf() returns the MasterFormat.prototype#id value, e.g., "%s"', costCode.valueOf()) console.log('toString() generates a definition URL ⬇︎', costCode.toString()) console.log('JSON.stringify serializes the object ⬇︎', JSON.stringify(costCode, null, ' ')) console.table(costCode) }

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