Skyscanner Query

node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
const express = require("@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0"); const requestPromise = require('request-promise'); const app = express(exports); const skyscannerSession = (apiKey, ipAddress, flightOptions) => { const formBody = Object.assign({}, flightOptions, { apiKey }); const requestOptions = { method: 'POST', uri: '', form: formBody, headers: { Accept: 'application/json', 'X-Forwarded-For': ipAddress, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, resolveWithFullResponse: true }; return requestPromise(requestOptions); }; const skyscannerRequestResults = (apiKey, sessionUrl) => { const requestOptions = { uri: `${sessionUrl}?apiKey=${apiKey}`, json: true }; return requestPromise(requestOptions); }; // TODO : You need to extract the data from the itineraries and convert to Chatfuel/Messenger format // Docs : const flightDataToChatfuelMessages = (flightsData) => { const itineraries = flightsData.Itineraries; return {itineraries}; }; // TODO: I'm concerned that this is going to respond too slowly for Chatfuel app.get('/skyscanner', (request, response) => { const {SKYSCANNER_API_KEY: apiKey} = process.env; const clientIpAddress = request.ip; // Pass them all in as request query parameters const { country = 'FR', currency = 'EUR', locale = 'fr-FR', originPlace = 'CDG-sky', // You will have to work these out destinationPlace = 'LOND-sky', // You will have to work these out outboundDate = '2018-06-30', inboundDate = '2018-07-30' } = request.query; const flightOptions = { country, currency, locale, originPlace, destinationPlace, outboundDate, inboundDate }; skyscannerSession(apiKey, clientIpAddress, flightOptions) .then((sessionResponse) => { const {headers: {location: sessionUrl}} = sessionResponse; // TODO : This really needs to be polled multiple times // However, it looks like it returns most of the results on the first time return skyscannerRequestResults(apiKey, sessionUrl); }) .then((flightsData) => { // TODO: Got the flight data so now need to extract it to the format we need for Chatfuel response.json(flightDataToChatfuelMessages(flightsData)); }) .catch((error) => { response.json({messages:[{text: error.message}]}); }); });

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