Get Hotel Avail v2

node v10.24.1
version: 1.1.0
This sample app shows how to call the Get Hotel Availability V2 API. This is an orchestrated service that returns rich content for properties including amenities, media, and lead-rates across mulitple content sources. For more information refer to this Sabre-hosted, online document:
// bring in a helper-library called axios that makes API request code cleaner and easier. const axios = require('axios'); // Your API token is brought in from a system environment variable. Use the token provided to you by the workshop coordinator. The one-time only setup step is adding the key-value pair: const mytoken = process.env.TOKEN; const myAppId = process.env.APPID; // .airportCode and .checkIn and .checkOut change where hotel properties are found in the API request const searchCriteria = { location: { airportCode: 'LAS', stateCode: 'NV', countryCode: 'US', }, date: { checkIn: '2019-09-01', checkOut: '2019-09-05', }, }; // sets up the request search parameters - note how it uses searchCriteria several important attributes const requestPayload = { GetHotelAvailRQ: { SearchCriteria: { OffSet: 1, SortBy: 'SabreRating', SortOrder: 'DESC', PageSize: 100, AvailRatesOnly: true, GeoSearch: { GeoRef: { Radius: 50, UOM: 'MI', RefPoint: { Value: searchCriteria.location.airportCode, ValueContext: 'CODE', RefPointType: '6', StateProv: searchCriteria.location.stateCode, CountryCode: searchCriteria.location.countryCode, }, }, }, RateInfoRef: { ConvertedRateInfoOnly: false, CurrencyCode: 'USD', BestOnly: '2', PrepaidQualifier: 'IncludePrepaid', StayDateRange: { StartDate:, EndDate:, }, Rooms: { Room: [ { Index: 1, Adults: 2, }, ], }, InfoSource: '100,110,112,113', }, HotelPref: { AmenityCodes: { Inclusive: true, AmenityCode: [ '15', ], }, SabreRating: { Min: '3', Max: '5', }, }, ImageRef: { Type: 'MEDIUM', LanguageCode: 'EN', }, }, } }; // make the API request axios({ method: 'post', url: '', data: JSON.stringify(requestPayload), headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', accept: 'application/json', authorization: `Bearer ${mytoken}`, 'Application-ID': myAppId } }) .then(function (response) { // HTTP 200 console.log(; DisplayNames(; }) .catch(function (error) { // HTTP 400 or 500 console.log('Something went wrong'); console.log(`${error.response.status} ... ${error.response.statusText}`); console.log(; }); // loop through the collection of Hotel Availability Information to display the property name function DisplayNames(data) { const hotelInfo = data.GetHotelAvailRS.HotelAvailInfos.HotelAvailInfo; hotelInfo.forEach((hotel) => { console.log(`${hotel.HotelInfo.HotelName}`); }); }

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