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/tonic/es6-enhanced-object-literals ES6 Enhanced Object Literals
/tonic/es6-default-rest-and-spread ES6 Default, Rest, and Spread
/tonic/welcome My First Playground
/tonic/brain-js brain.js
/tonic/jsx-in-tonic JSX in Tonic
/tonic/es6-template-strings ES6 Template Strings
/tonic/d3-example-from-beaker D3 Example from Beaker
/tonic/es6-maps-weakmaps-sets-and-weaksets ES6 Maps, WeakMaps, Sets, and WeakSets
/tonic/es6-arrow-functions ES6 Arrow Functions
Recently Published
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Featured Notebooks
Slack Commands @matt
Prototype Slack slash commands. -
Image Filter @tolmasky
Apply filters to your pictures. -
Track ISS @capicue Find the ISS with the Open Notify API.
Weather Forecast @capicue Compare the projected weather of two cities.
Learning Colors @boucher Build a simple neural network with Brain.js.
Telephone? @capicue Translation ping-pong with the Yandex API.
Apple Pencil @pouwerkerk Poll realtime availability for the Apple Pencil.
Beaker @tolmasky Prototype D3 visualizations in RunKit.
Await @tolmasky How to write asynchronous code with await.
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