Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


untitled notebook

node v18.11.0
version: 1.0.0
const assert = require('assert'); const { createHash } = require('crypto'); const md5 = s => createHash('md5').update(s).digest('base64'); function Tree(sumfn) { const values = []; let tree = null; let hits = 0, misses = 0; const cache = {}; const summary = (summarise) => { if(!tree) { return { text: '' }; } return { text: tree.text, hits, misses, length: values.length, }; } const summarise = (node) => { node.val = node.l.val + node.r.val; const key = md5(node.l.text + '$#x27; + node.r.text); if(key in cache) { hits += 1; node.text = cache[key]; } else { misses += 1; node.text = sumfn(node.l, node.r); cache[key] = node.text; } }; const insert = (text) => { const node = { text, val: 1 }; values.push(node); if(!tree) { tree = node; } else { let p = tree; while(p.val > 2) { p = p.r; } if(p === tree) { p = tree = { l: tree, r: node, }; } else { p = p.p.r = { p: p.p, l: p, r: node, }; } p.l.p = p; p.r.p = p; while(p) { if(p.r.val === p.l.val * 2) { p.l = { p: p, l: p.l, r: p.r.l, }; p.l.l.p = p.l; p.l.r.p = p.l; summarise(p.l); p.r = p.r.r; p.r.p = p; summarise(p); } else { summarise(p); p = p.p; } } } return summary(); } const update = (idx, text) => { if(idx >= values.length) throw new RangeError('index OOB'); const node = values[idx]; node.text = text; let p = node.p; while(p) { summarise(p); p = p.p; } return summary(); } return { summary, insert, update }; } const tree = Tree((a, b) => { if(a.val === b.val) return a.text + b.text; return a.text + `(${b.text})`; }); assert("tree.summary() == ''"); const pairs = [ ['A', 'A'], ['B', 'AB'], ['C', 'AB(C)'], ['D', 'ABCD'], ['E', 'AB(CD(E))'], ['F', 'ABCD(EF)'], ['G', 'ABCD(EF(G))'], ['H', 'ABCDEFGH'], ['I', 'ABCD(EF(GH(I)))'], ['J', 'ABCD(EFGH(IJ))'], ['K', 'ABCD(EFGH(IJ(K)))'], ['L', 'ABCDEFGH(IJKL)'], ['M', 'ABCDEFGH(IJ(KL(M)))'], ['N', 'ABCDEFGH(IJKL(MN))'], ['O', 'ABCDEFGH(IJKL(MN(O)))'], ['P', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'], ['Q', 'ABCDEFGH(IJKL(MN(OP(Q))))'], ]; for(const [text, expected] of pairs) { tree.insert(text); assert(tree.summary().text == expected, `${text}: expected ${expected}, got ${tree.summary()}`); console.log(tree.summary()); } console.log(tree.update(4, 'e')); console.log(tree.update(9, 'j'));

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