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When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


Vino Rbc

node v16.18.0
version: 3.0.1
const express = require("@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0"); const moment = require("moment"); const app = express(exports); app.get("/heart-rate", (req, res) => res.send(Math.floor(Math.random() * 240).toString())); app.get("/rbc", (req, res) => { let schedule = { "schedule": [ { "day": "06262018", "events": [ { "date": moment("2018-06-26 14:00").toJSON(), "name": "customer registration" } ] }, { "day": "06272018", "events": [ { "date": moment("2018-06-27 18:00").toJSON(), "name": "welcome dinner" } ] }, { "day": "06282018", "events": [ { "date": moment("2018-06-28 09:00").toJSON(), "name": "keynote - magic johnson" }, { "date": moment("2018-06-28 15:30").toJSON(), "name": "cocktail hour" }, { "date": moment("2018-06-28 18:30").toJSON(), "name": "customer appreciation night" } ] }, { "day": "06292018", "events": [ { "date": moment("2018-06-29 13:00").toJSON(), "name": "humor as a therapeutic tool\nfor physical and mental health" }, { "date": moment("2018-06-29 18:00").toJSON(), "name": "dinner" }, { "date": moment("2018-06-29 20:00").toJSON(), "name": "kelly clarkson concert" } ] }, { "day": "06302018", "events": [ { "date": moment("2018-06-30 09:00").toJSON(), "name": "closing - mel robbins" }, { "date": moment("2018-06-30 18:00").toJSON(), "name": "dinner" } ] } ] }; res.json(schedule); });

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