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Webfan Pack

node v15.14.0
version: 0.0.1
Online Webpack Service
var o={ optionsTimeout:{ // Optional. This will be the default timeout for all endpoints. // If omitted there is no default timeout on endpoints timeout: 45000, // Optional. This function will be called on a timeout and it MUST // terminate the request. // If omitted the module will end the request with a default 503 error. onTimeout: function(req, res) { res.status(503) .send(`<h1>Timeout requesting '${req.host}${req.url}' or not found!</h1>` + `<a href="${req.host}${req.url}">retry...</a><br />` + `<a href="/">CDN Home</a><br />` + `<br /><br />` // + `${JSON.stringify(req.EXTRA)}<br />` ); }, // Optional. Define a function to be called if an attempt to send a response // happens after the timeout where: // - method: is the method that was called on the response object // - args: are the arguments passed to the method // - requestTime: is the duration of the request // timeout happened onDelayedResponse: function(req, method, args, requestTime) { console.log(`Attempted to call ${method} after timeout`); }, // Optional. Provide a list of which methods should be disabled on the // response object when a timeout happens and an error has been sent. If // omitted, a default list of all methods that tries to send a response // will be disable on the response object disable: ['write', 'setHeaders', 'send', 'json', 'end'] }//optionsTimeout }; ((o)=>{ 'use strict'; var optionsTimeout = o.optionsTimeout; var Application = exports = (module && module.exports) ? module.exports : {}; var Base64 = require('js-base64'); var b64 = require('url-safe-base64'); var { encode, decode, trim, isBase64, isUrlSafeBase64 } = b64; const Module = require('module') const os = require('os') const express = require('express') const timeout = require('express-timeout-handler'); //require('node-libs-browser'); // explicit import for runkit.com var webpack = require('webpack'); var { Plugin } =webpack; //var webpackSandboxed =require('webpack-sandboxed'); var webpackSandboxed =require('webpack-sandboxed').default; const UglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin'); const debug=require('debug'); const path=require('path'); var DirectoryNamedWebpackPlugin = require("directory-named-webpack-plugin"); var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin'); const babel=require('@babel/core'); const fs_browser=require('codesandbox-browserfs'); const babelLoader= require('babel-loader'); debug('*'); var jsCode = ` exports=module.exports=new Error('Code not set in webfantized-webpack'); `; var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var { vol } = require('memfs') var { patchFs, patchRequire } = require('fs-monkey') var { VM, NodeVM, VMScript } = require('vm2') var { ufs } = require('unionfs') var fs = require('fs') console.log('__dirname', __dirname) console.log('process.cwd', process.cwd()) console.log('process.env', process.env) console.log('Buffer',Buffer); var app = Application.app = runkitExpress(Application) app.use(timeout.handler(optionsTimeout)); app.use(bodyParser.json()); // support json encoded bodies app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); // support encoded bodies Application.app.post('/webpack/', function(req, res, next) { var mode =req.body.mode || 'code'; var payload =req.body.code || jsCode; // try{ /*var code =(isBase64(payload) || isUrlSafeBase64(payload) || !/[\s|\{|\}|\;|\,|\.]/.test(payload)) ? decode(payload) : payload;*/ /* var code = Buffer.from(payload, 'base64').toString('ascii');*/ /* var code= decode(payload);*/ // }catch(fehler){ //return next(payload); // } var code =payload; var __packages =(req.body.dependencies || '').split(/[\,\;\s]/); if(code){ main(code, __packages).then(result=>{ if('code'===mode){ res.header['content-type']='application/javascript'; res.end(result.compiled); }else if('meta'===mode){ res.header['content-type']='application/json'; res.json({ main: result.key, // entry: result.compiled, bundle: result.bundle, // stats: result.stats//, // exported: result.exported link : '/webpack/' +Buffer.from(code).toString('base64')+'/' +__packages.join(',') //+'/meta' }); }else{ next('Invalid mode parameter'); } }).catch(next); }else{ next('Invalid code parameter'); } }); Application.app.get('/webpack/:payload?/:dependencies?/:mode?', function(req, res, next) { var mode =req.params.mode || 'code'; var payload =req.params.payload || jsCode; // try{ var code =(isBase64(payload) || isUrlSafeBase64(payload) || !/[\s|\{|\}|\;|\,|\.]/.test(payload)) ? Base64.decode(payload) : payload; /* var code = Buffer.from(payload, 'base64').toString('ascii');*/ /* var code= decode(payload);*/ // }catch(fehler){ //return next(payload); // } /* var code=payload;*/ var __packages =(req.params.dependencies || '').split(/[\,\;\s]/); if(code){ main(code, __packages).then(result=>{ if('code'===mode){ res.header['content-type']='application/javascript'; res.end(result.compiled); }else if('meta'===mode){ res.header['content-type']='application/json'; res.json({ main: result.key, // entry: result.compiled, bundle: result.bundle//, // stats: result.stats//, // exported: result.exported }); }else{ next('Invalid mode parameter'); } }).catch(next); }else{ next('Invalid code parameter'); } }); function runkitExpress(anExport) { var mount = express(); var app = express(); // app.use(timeout.handler(optionsTimeout)); // "mount" is our root app, and it mounts "app" at your notebook path // which is available in the RUNKIT_MOUNT_PATH environment variable mount.use(process.env.RUNKIT_MOUNT_PATH || "", app); if (anExport) { anExport.endpoint = mount; } // overwrite .listen since it is not needed app.listen = function(){} // return the express instance for use by the caller return app; } function requireFromString(code, filename, opts, Module) { // var path = require('path'); if (typeof filename === 'object') { opts = filename; filename = undefined; } if (typeof Module === 'undefined') { var Module = require('module'); } opts = opts || {}; filename = filename || ''; opts.appendPaths = opts.appendPaths || []; opts.prependPaths = opts.prependPaths || []; if (typeof code !== 'string') { throw new Error('code must be a string, not ' + typeof code); } var paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename)); var parent = module.parent; var m = new Module(filename, parent); m.filename = filename; m.paths = [].concat(opts.prependPaths).concat(paths).concat(opts.appendPaths); m._compile(code, filename); var exports = m.exports; parent && parent.children && parent.children.splice(parent.children.indexOf(m), 1); return exports; } function handlePathsLogger(err, paths) { if(err){ return ((e)=>{throw e;})(err) } var relPaths = paths.map(curPath => { return path.relative('~/', curPath); }); relPaths = relPaths.sort(); console.log('paths', paths); console.log('relPaths', relPaths); } function dependencies(){ /* require('@frdl/eventemitter'); require('ready'); require('@babel/preset-env'); require('co'); require('@types/memory-fs'); require('memory-fs'); require('resolve'); require('express'); require('@types/debug'); require('@types/extract-text-webpack-plugin'); require('@types/jest'); require('@types/resolve'); require('@types/webpack'); require('@babel/core'); require('babel-loader'); require('babel-preset-es2015'); require('babel-preset-react'); require('css-loader'); */ require('@babel/core'); require('codesandbox-browserfs'); // require('babel-preset-es2015'); // require('babel-preset-react'); } function dependenciesBrowser(){ require('node-libs-browser'); require('insertion-query'); require('on-idle'); } function main(_code, __packages, _modulesFolders, _plugins) { return new Promise(async function(resolve,reject){ //return await jsCode; //(code, modulesFolders, plugins) var modulesFolders =_modulesFolders || [ // path.resolve(__dirname, '.'), // path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules'), // 'node_modules' ]; const productionPlugins= _plugins || [ new ExtractTextPlugin('[name].[contenthash].css'), new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ process: ['codesandbox-browserfs/dist/shims/process.js'], frdlweb: ['@frdl/monkeyism/shims/common.browser.js'] }), new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production') }) // ,new UglifyJsPlugin() ]; const plugins= [ ...productionPlugins ]; // const code = `module.exports = () => 42;`; const sandbox = await webpackSandboxed({ config: { target: 'web', resolve: { extensions: [".js", ".ts", '.ts', '.css'], modules: modulesFolders, // roots : modulesFolders, // Use our versions of Node modules alias: { 'browserfs' : 'codesandbox-browserfs', // 'fs': 'browserfs/dist/shims/fs.js', 'process':'codesandbox-browserfs/dist/shims/process.js', 'fs': 'codesandbox-browserfs/dist/shims/fs.js', 'buffer': 'codesandbox-browserfs/dist/shims/buffer.js', 'path': 'codesandbox-browserfs/dist/shims/path.js', 'processGlobal': 'codesandbox-browserfs/dist/shims/process.js', 'bufferGlobal': 'codesandbox-browserfs/dist/shims/bufferGlobal.js', // 'bfsGlobal': require.resolve('codesandbox-browserfs') 'bfsGlobal': 'codesandbox-browserfs/dist/shims/fs.js' , 'vm': 'vm2' }, plugins : plugins }, module: { noParse: /browserfs\.js/, rules: [ /* { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: babelLoader, options: { plugins: [ "@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import", [ "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", { "absoluteRuntime": false, "corejs": false, "helpers": true, "regenerator": true, "useESModules": true } ] ], presets: [ 'es2015', 'react', [ '@babel/preset-env', { targets: { esmodules: true }, } ] ], babelrc: false } }, */ { test: /\.css$/, //use: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({ use: plugins[0].extract({ fallback: 'style-loader', use: { loader: 'css-loader', options: { modules: true } } }) } ] }, externals: { }, plugins:[] }, packages: __packages, // Packages to load into the virtual filesystem. /* packages: [ "codesandbox-browserfs", "@frdl/eventemitter", "insertion-query", "on-idle", "ready", "co", // 'babel-loader' ], */ // Local files to load into the virtual filesystem. includes: [/*path.resolve(__dirname,'includes', 'common.browser.js'), path.resolve(__dirname,'example', 'components')*/], // For module resolution to work, the base directory needs to be equal to // the parent directory of node_modules where all necessary packages are installed. basedir:process.cwd() }); console.log( sandbox ); // return sandbox; //resolve(sandbox); // try{ // var code =(isBase64(_code) || isUrlSafeBase64(_code)|| !/[\s|\{|\}|\;|\,|\.]/.test(_code) ) // ? decode(_code) : _code; // }catch(fehler){ // var code =Buffer.from(_code, 'base64').toString('ascii') ; // } var code =(isBase64(_code) || isUrlSafeBase64(_code) || !(/([\s|\{|\}|\;|\,|\.])/.test(_code))) ? decode(_code) : _code; const [bundle, stats] = await sandbox.run(code || jsCode); // return [bundle, stats]; // console.log('[bundle, stats]',[bundle, stats]); //resolve([bundle,stats]); const key = Object.keys(bundle)[0]; const compiled = bundle[key]; // resolve(compiled); // return compiled; // const vm = new VM({ // timeout: 30 * 60* 1000, // sandbox: { // fs : fs_browser // } // }); // const exported = eval(compiled); // const exported = vm.run(compiled); resolve({ key:key, bundle:bundle, stats:stats, compiled:compiled//, // exported:exported }); }); } })(o)

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