Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


get object subkey by path string

node v10.24.1
version: 2.0.0
const locale = { title: 'Title', feedback: { send: 'Send', }, } const path = 'feedback.send' const brace_path = 'feedback[send]' console.log({ first_level_key: locale['title'], nested_by_dot: locale['feedback.send'], direct: locale.feedback.send, eval: eval('locale.feedback.send'), }) console.log({ eval_template: eval(`locale.${path}`) })
const get = require('lodash.get') console.log({ lodash_get: get(locale, path) })
const regex = /[\[\]]/ const brace_test = brace_path.match(regex) const no_braces_test = path.match(regex) if (no_braces_test) { console.log({no_braces_test}, 'there is a braces') } else { console.log({no_braces_test}, 'no braces') } if (brace_test) { console.log({brace_test}, 'there is a braces') } else { console.log({brace_test}, 'no braces') }

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