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node v10.24.1
version: 1.2.0
A Web service for @data-leakage-protection/signatures. API - GET / Fetch all signatures as JSON. - GET /:id Fetch a single Signature by its identifier (integer). Example: GET https://data-leakage-signatures-t1qre61ogz6u.runkit.sh/1 - GET /:hash Fetch a single Signature by its full or abbreviated SHA1 hash. Example (with full SHA1 hash): GET https://data-leakage-signatures-t1qre61ogz6u.runkit.sh/261beb59a1fb25c726ebcb1a665fe4875c4551fbd72295e3545418087daf7aa8 Example (with abbreviated seven-character SHA1 hash): GET https://data-leakage-signatures-t1qre61ogz6u.runkit.sh/261beb5 - GET /?filter[part]=[contents|extension|filename|path] Retrieve all signatures whose part property matches: 1. contents 2. extension 3. filename 4. path Example fetching all signatures that evaluate contents: https://data-leakage-signatures-t1qre61ogz6u.runkit.sh/?filter[part]=contents - GET /?filter[type]=[match|regex] Retrieve all signatures whose type property value is: 1. match 2. regex Example fetching all signatures that evaluate with regular expressions: https://data-leakage-signatures-t1qre61ogz6u.runkit.sh/?filter[type]=regex - GET /?filter[part]=[contents|extension|filename|path]&filter[type]=[match|regex] You can restrict results by combining filters, too. Example: fetch all signatures that match file extensions: GET https://data-leakage-signatures-t1qre61ogz6u.runkit.sh/?filter[part]=extension&filter[type]=match
const signatures = [ { "caption": ".asc file extension", "description": "Potential cryptographic key bundle", "hash": "e150e9d", "name": "asc-file-extension", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".asc", "type": "match" }, { "caption": ".p12 file extension", "description": "PKCS#12 (.p12): potential cryptographic key bundle", "hash": "5b135b8", "name": "p-12-file-extension", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".p12", "type": "match" }, { "caption": ".pem file extension", "description": "Potential cryptographic private key", "hash": "2d98746", "name": "pem-file-extension", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".pem", "type": "match" }, { "caption": ".pfx file extension", "description": "PKCS#12 (.pfx): Potential cryptographic key bundle", "hash": "fff92cd", "name": "pfx-file-extension", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".pfx", "type": "match" }, { "caption": ".pkcs12 file extension", "description": "PKCS#12 (.pkcs12): Potential cryptographic key bundle", "hash": "8cc89a0", "name": "pkcs-12-file-extension", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".pkcs12", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "1Password password manager database file", "description": "Feed it to Hashcat and see if you're lucky", "hash": "3635631", "name": "1-password-password-manager-database-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".agilekeychain", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "AWS API Key", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "9c723c1", "name": "aws-api-key", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/AKIA[0-9A-Z]{16}/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "AWS CLI credentials file", "description": "", "hash": "079e003", "name": "aws-cli-credentials-file", "part": "path", "pattern": "/.?aws\\/credentials$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Apache htpasswd file", "description": "", "hash": "c95a054", "name": "apache-htpasswd-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?htpasswd$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Apple Keychain database file", "description": "", "hash": "cd5c661", "name": "apple-keychain-database-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".keychain", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Azure service configuration schema file", "description": "", "hash": "78f15a0", "name": "azure-service-configuration-schema-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".cscfg", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Carrierwave configuration file", "description": "Can contain credentials for cloud storage systems such as Amazon S3 and Google Storage", "hash": "f230327", "name": "carrierwave-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "carrierwave.rb", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Chef Knife configuration file", "description": "Can contain references to Chef servers", "hash": "638a5a0", "name": "chef-knife-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "knife.rb", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Chef private key", "description": "Can be used to authenticate against Chef servers", "hash": "0e7cf29", "name": "chef-private-key", "part": "path", "pattern": "/.?chef\\/(.*).pem$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Configuration file for auto-login process", "description": "Can contain username and password", "hash": "9ab276c", "name": "configuration-file-for-auto-login-process", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^(.|_)?netrc$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Contains word: credential", "description": "", "hash": "c8ea9d9", "name": "contains-word-credential", "part": "path", "pattern": "/credential/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Contains word: password", "description": "", "hash": "2558e2f", "name": "contains-word-password", "part": "path", "pattern": "/password/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "DBeaver SQL database manager configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "164e2e1", "name": "d-beaver-sql-database-manager-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?dbeaver-data-sources.xml$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Day One journal file", "description": "Now it's getting creepy...", "hash": "5dd41fa", "name": "day-one-journal-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".dayone", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "DigitalOcean doctl command-line client configuration file", "description": "Contains DigitalOcean API key and other information", "hash": "4f1dfbb", "name": "digital-ocean-doctl-command-line-client-configuration-file", "part": "path", "pattern": "/doctl\\/config.yaml$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Django configuration file", "description": "Can contain database credentials, cloud storage system credentials, and other secrets", "hash": "e6ab872", "name": "django-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "settings.py", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Docker configuration file", "description": "Can contain credentials for public or private Docker registries", "hash": "c3bc3b0", "name": "docker-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?dockercfg$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Environment configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "6144323", "name": "environment-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?env$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Facebook Oauth", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "65082c3", "name": "facebook-oauth", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/[f|F][a|A][c|C][e|E][b|B][o|O][o|O][k|K].*['|\"][0-9a-f]{32}['|\"]/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "FileZilla FTP configuration file", "description": "Can contain credentials for FTP servers", "hash": "1117b7f", "name": "file-zilla-ftp-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "filezilla.xml", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "FileZilla FTP recent servers file", "description": "Can contain credentials for FTP servers", "hash": "bfdaf5f", "name": "file-zilla-ftp-recent-servers-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "recentservers.xml", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "GNOME Keyring database file", "description": "", "hash": "8c3c9ad", "name": "gnome-keyring-database-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": "/^key(store|ring)$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Generic API Key", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "b81bc8f", "name": "generic-api-key", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/[a|A][p|P][i|I][_]?[k|K][e|E][y|Y].*['|\"][0-9a-zA-Z]{32,45}['|\"]/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Generic Secret", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "da55948", "name": "generic-secret", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/[s|S][e|E][c|C][r|R][e|E][t|T].*['|\"][0-9a-zA-Z]{32,45}['|\"]/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Git configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "2b12c64", "name": "git-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?gitconfig$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "GitHub", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "9106980", "name": "git-hub", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/[g|G][i|I][t|T][h|H][u|U][b|B].*['|\"][0-9a-zA-Z]{35,40}['|\"]/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "GitHub Hub command-line client configuration file", "description": "Can contain GitHub API access token", "hash": "60e1441", "name": "git-hub-hub-command-line-client-configuration-file", "part": "path", "pattern": "/config\\/hub$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "GnuCash database file", "description": "", "hash": "7571675", "name": "gnu-cash-database-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".gnucash", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Google (GCP) Service-account", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "24e608a", "name": "google-gcp-service-account", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/\"type\": \"service_account\"/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Google Oauth", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "6f27008", "name": "google-oauth", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/(\"client_secret\":\"[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{24}\")/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Heroku API Key", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "d0e4b46", "name": "heroku-api-key", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/[h|H][e|E][r|R][o|O][k|K][u|U].*[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Hexchat/XChat IRC client server list configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "e38fd5c", "name": "hexchat-x-chat-irc-client-server-list-configuration-file", "part": "path", "pattern": "/.?xchat2?\\/servlist_?.conf$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Irssi IRC client configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "fe19d1d", "name": "irssi-irc-client-configuration-file", "part": "path", "pattern": "/.?irssi\\/config$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Java keystore file", "description": "", "hash": "eeb2d09", "name": "java-keystore-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".jks", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Jenkins publish over SSH plugin file", "description": "", "hash": "0ff8712", "name": "jenkins-publish-over-ssh-plugin-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "jenkins.plugins.publish_over_ssh.BapSshPublisherPlugin.xml", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "KDE Wallet Manager database file", "description": "", "hash": "f9ff1dc", "name": "kde-wallet-manager-database-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".kwallet", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "KeePass password manager database file", "description": "Feed it to Hashcat and see if you're lucky", "hash": "bca670c", "name": "kee-pass-password-manager-database-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": "/^kdbx?$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Little Snitch firewall configuration file", "description": "Contains traffic rules for applications", "hash": "3f54f31", "name": "little-snitch-firewall-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "configuration.user.xpl", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Log file", "description": "Log files can contain secret HTTP endpoints, session IDs, API keys and other goodies", "hash": "de8c348", "name": "log-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".log", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Microsoft BitLocker Trusted Platform Module password file", "description": "", "hash": "c7957b1", "name": "microsoft-bit-locker-trusted-platform-module-password-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".tpm", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Microsoft BitLocker recovery key file", "description": "", "hash": "16fcdae", "name": "microsoft-bit-locker-recovery-key-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".bek", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Microsoft SQL database file", "description": "", "hash": "705a708", "name": "microsoft-sql-database-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".mdf", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Microsoft SQL server compact database file", "description": "", "hash": "22802d0", "name": "microsoft-sql-server-compact-database-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".sdf", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Mutt e-mail client configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "5a7debd", "name": "mutt-e-mail-client-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?muttrc$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "MySQL client command history file", "description": "", "hash": "50fc849", "name": "my-sql-client-command-history-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?mysql_history$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "NPM configuration file", "description": "Can contain credentials for NPM registries", "hash": "f2b6773", "name": "npm-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?npmrc$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Network traffic capture file", "description": "", "hash": "acbfb06", "name": "network-traffic-capture-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".pcap", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "OmniAuth configuration file", "description": "The OmniAuth configuration file can contain client application secrets", "hash": "ac2c2e6", "name": "omni-auth-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "omniauth.rb", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "OpenVPN client configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "3d0101c", "name": "open-vpn-client-configuration-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".ovpn", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "PGP private key block", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "42a3903", "name": "pgp-private-key-block", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "PHP configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "ed14663", "name": "php-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/config(.inc)?.php$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Password Safe database file", "description": "", "hash": "9719be2", "name": "password-safe-database-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".psafe3", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Password in URL", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "05bbc15", "name": "password-in-url", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/[a-zA-Z]{3,10}:\\/\\/[^\\/\\s:@]{3,20}:[^\\/\\s:@]{3,20}@.{1,100}[\"'\\s]/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Pidgin OTR private key", "description": "", "hash": "0ebd5ab", "name": "pidgin-otr-private-key", "part": "filename", "pattern": "otr.private_key", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Pidgin chat client account configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "c03a1bf", "name": "pidgin-chat-client-account-configuration-file", "part": "path", "pattern": "/.?purple\\/accounts.xml$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "PostgreSQL client command history file", "description": "", "hash": "049e6ba", "name": "postgre-sql-client-command-history-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?psql_history$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "PostgreSQL password file", "description": "", "hash": "d97e0ae", "name": "postgre-sql-password-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?pgpass$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Potential Jenkins credentials file", "description": "", "hash": "5b8c9ad", "name": "potential-jenkins-credentials-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "credentials.xml", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Potential Linux passwd file", "description": "Contains system user information", "hash": "5e7ad75", "name": "potential-linux-passwd-file", "part": "path", "pattern": "/etc\\/passwd$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Potential Linux shadow file", "description": "Contains hashed passwords for system users", "hash": "1888752", "name": "potential-linux-shadow-file", "part": "path", "pattern": "/etc\\/shadow$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Potential MediaWiki configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "a948202", "name": "potential-media-wiki-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "LocalSettings.php", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Potential Ruby On Rails database configuration file", "description": "Can contain database credentials", "hash": "432e204", "name": "potential-ruby-on-rails-database-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "database.yml", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Potential cryptographic private key", "description": "", "hash": "09d211f", "name": "potential-cryptographic-private-key", "part": "extension", "pattern": "/^key(pair)?$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Potential jrnl journal file", "description": "Now it's getting creepy...", "hash": "edbf52f", "name": "potential-jrnl-journal-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "journal.txt", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Private SSH key", "description": "_rsa", "hash": "2eba32c", "name": "private-ssh-key", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.*_rsa$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Private SSH key", "description": "_dsa", "hash": "9225485", "name": "private-ssh-key", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.*_dsa$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Private SSH key", "description": "_ed25519", "hash": "6657af1", "name": "private-ssh-key", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.*_ed25519$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Private SSH key", "description": "_ecdsa", "hash": "2131c8a", "name": "private-ssh-key", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.*_ecdsa$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "RSA private key", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "d27a8c7", "name": "rsa-private-key", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Recon-ng web reconnaissance framework API key database", "description": "", "hash": "e404a55", "name": "recon-ng-web-reconnaissance-framework-api-key-database", "part": "path", "pattern": "/.?recon-ng\\/keys.db$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Remote Desktop connection file", "description": "", "hash": "2012d08", "name": "remote-desktop-connection-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".rdp", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Robomongo MongoDB manager configuration file", "description": "Can contain credentials for MongoDB databases", "hash": "725d1bc", "name": "robomongo-mongo-db-manager-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "robomongo.json", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Ruby IRB console history file", "description": "", "hash": "52a9454", "name": "ruby-irb-console-history-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?irb_history$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Ruby On Rails secret token configuration file", "description": "If the Rails secret token is known, it can allow for remote code execution (http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/27527/)", "hash": "59bd2b6", "name": "ruby-on-rails-secret-token-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "secret_token.rb", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Rubygems credentials file", "description": "Can contain API key for a rubygems.org account", "hash": "6de3cc8", "name": "rubygems-credentials-file", "part": "path", "pattern": "/.?gem\\/credentials$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "S3cmd configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "805448e", "name": "s-3-cmd-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?s3cfg$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "SFTP connection configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "4a87e80", "name": "sftp-connection-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^sftp-config(.json)?$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "SQL dump file", "description": "", "hash": "45c4922", "name": "sql-dump-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": "/^sql(dump)?$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "SQLite database file", "description": "", "hash": "d81a39b", "name": "sq-lite-database-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".sqlite", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "SSH (DSA) private key", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "147dea0", "name": "ssh-dsa-private-key", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "SSH (EC) private key", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "c6706b5", "name": "ssh-ec-private-key", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "SSH (OPENSSH) private key", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "6ee984c", "name": "ssh-openssh-private-key", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "SSH configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "5b3d861", "name": "ssh-configuration-file", "part": "path", "pattern": "/.?ssh\\/config$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Sequel Pro MySQL database manager bookmark file", "description": "", "hash": "b4b0a84", "name": "sequel-pro-my-sql-database-manager-bookmark-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "Favorites.plist", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Shell command alias configuration file", "description": "Shell configuration files can contain passwords, API keys, hostnames and other goodies", "hash": "6354201", "name": "shell-command-alias-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?(bash_|zsh_)?aliases$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Shell command history file", "description": "", "hash": "58036b8", "name": "shell-command-history-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?(bash_|zsh_|sh_|z)?history$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Shell configuration file", "description": "(.exports): Shell configuration files can contain passwords, API keys, hostnames and other goodies", "hash": "c552e83", "name": "shell-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": ".exports", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Shell configuration file", "description": "(.functions): Shell configuration files can contain passwords, API keys, hostnames and other goodies", "hash": "eec3370", "name": "shell-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": ".functions", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Shell configuration file", "description": "(.extra): Shell configuration files can contain passwords, API keys, hostnames and other goodies", "hash": "c798ed0", "name": "shell-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": ".extra", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Shell configuration file", "description": "(bash, zsh, csh): Shell configuration files can contain passwords, API keys, hostnames and other goodies", "hash": "b208b37", "name": "shell-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?(bash|zsh|csh)rc$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Shell profile configuration file", "description": "(profile): Shell configuration files can contain passwords, API keys, hostnames and other goodies", "hash": "3380457", "name": "shell-profile-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?(bash_|zsh_)?profile$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Slack Token", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "d1996b6", "name": "slack-token", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/(xox[p|b|o|a]-[0-9]{12}-[0-9]{12}-[0-9]{12}-[a-z0-9]{32})/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Slack Webhook", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "cd1f086", "name": "slack-webhook", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/https:\\/\\/hooks.slack.com\\/services\\/T[a-zA-Z0-9_]{8}\\/B[a-zA-Z0-9_]{8}\\/[a-zA-Z0-9_]{24}/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "T command-line Twitter client configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "cc926b5", "name": "t-command-line-twitter-client-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?trc$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Terraform variable config file", "description": "Can contain credentials for terraform providers", "hash": "4e2d1bb", "name": "terraform-variable-config-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "terraform.tfvars", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Tugboat DigitalOcean management tool configuration", "description": "", "hash": "91483bf", "name": "tugboat-digital-ocean-management-tool-configuration", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?tugboat$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Tunnelblick VPN configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "10a8fd6", "name": "tunnelblick-vpn-configuration-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".tblk", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Twilio API Key", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "7ba3308", "name": "twilio-api-key", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/SK[a-z0-9]{32}/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Twitter Oauth", "description": "Imported from truffleHog.", "hash": "6894a00", "name": "twitter-oauth", "part": "contents", "pattern": "/[t|T][w|W][i|I][t|T][t|T][e|E][r|R].*['|\"][0-9a-zA-Z]{35,44}['|\"]/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "Ventrilo server configuration file", "description": "Can contain passwords", "hash": "ba757a9", "name": "ventrilo-server-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "ventrilo_srv.ini", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "Windows BitLocker full volume encrypted data file", "description": "", "hash": "eb6e6a6", "name": "windows-bit-locker-full-volume-encrypted-data-file", "part": "extension", "pattern": ".fve", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "cPanel backup ProFTPd credentials file", "description": "Contains usernames and password hashes for FTP accounts", "hash": "e071b05", "name": "c-panel-backup-pro-ft-pd-credentials-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "proftpdpasswd", "type": "match" }, { "caption": "git-credential-store helper credentials file", "description": "", "hash": "861aed1", "name": "git-credential-store-helper-credentials-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?git-credentials$/gimu", "type": "regex" }, { "caption": "gitrob configuration file", "description": "", "hash": "c7ae3e6", "name": "gitrob-configuration-file", "part": "filename", "pattern": "/^.?gitrobrc$/gimu", "type": "regex" } ]
const START = 0 const HASH_LENGTH = 7 const defaultHashOptions = { start: START, length: HASH_LENGTH } const abbrev = (hash, options = defaultHashOptions) => { const { start, length } = options return hash.substring(start, length) }
const assignIdPropertyTo = (signature, index) => Object.assign(signature, { 'id': `${index + 1}` })
const { hash } = require('node-object-hash')({ sort: true }) const assignHashPropertyTo = (signature) => { const { caption, description, name, part, pattern, type } = signature Object.assign(signature, {'hash': abbrev(hash({ caption, description, name, part, pattern, type }))}) }
const kebabCase = require('lodash.kebabcase') const assignNamePropertyTo = (signature) => Object.assign(signature, { 'name': kebabCase(signature.caption) })
const createLookupMapToFind = (signatures) => { const signatureMap = new Map() signatures.forEach((signature, index) => { // assignNamePropertyTo(signature) // assignHashPropertyTo(signature) assignIdPropertyTo(signature, index) const { hash, id } = signature signatureMap.set(id, signature) signatureMap.set(hash, signature) }) return signatureMap }
const signatureLookupMap = createLookupMapToFind(signatures)
const filterByPart = (signatures, part) => signatures.filter((signature) => signature.part === part)
const filterByType = (signatures, type) => signatures.filter((signature) => signature.type === type)
const getSignatures = (req) => { let body = signatures if (req.query.filter) { const { filter } = req.query if (filter.part) { body = filterByPart(body, filter.part) } if (filter.type) { body = filterByType(body, filter.type) } } return body }
// const kebabCase = require('lodash.kebabcase') const paginate = require('paginate-array') const paginationOpts = { numItemsPerPage: 500, pageNumber: 1, prefix: 'x-signatures' } const createPaginationInfo = (signatures, options = paginationOpts) => { const { pageNumber, numItemsPerPage } = options if (!Array.isArray(signatures)) { signatures = [signatures] } return paginate(signatures, [ null, pageNumber, numItemsPerPage ]) } const setPaginationHeaders = (response, paginationInfo, options = paginationOpts) => { const { prefix } = options const currentPage = isNaN(paginationInfo.currentPage) ? 1 : paginationInfo.currentPage response.setHeader(`${prefix}-current-page`, currentPage) response.setHeader(`${prefix}-per-page`, paginationInfo.perPage) response.setHeader(`${prefix}-total-pages`, paginationInfo.totalPages) response.setHeader(`${prefix}-total`, paginationInfo.total) return response }
const setResponseHeaders = (response, signatures, options = paginationOpts) => { const paginationInfo = createPaginationInfo(signatures, options) setPaginationHeaders(response, paginationInfo, options) response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') return response }
Create the Web service.
const express = require('@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0') const app = express(module.exports) app.get('/', (req, res) => { const body = getSignatures(req) setResponseHeaders(res, body) res.send(JSON.stringify(body)) }) app.get('/:idOrHash', (req, res) => { const body = signatureLookupMap.get(req.params.idOrHash) setResponseHeaders(res, body) res.send(JSON.stringify(body)) })

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