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Get GPC expanded category

node v14.20.1
version: 7.0.0
const express = require("@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0") const app = express(exports) const got = require('got') app.get("/", async (req, res) => { const keyword = req.query.q const locale = req.query.l || 'en-US' if (!keyword) return res.status(400) .header('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send({ error: "No query parameter provided" }) const { body: categories } = await got(`https://www.google.com/basepages/producttype/taxonomy-with-ids.${locale}.txt`) const regex_exact = "\\d+ ?- ?(.*> " + keyword + "s?)quot; const regex_similar = "\\d+ ?- ?.*>.*\\W" + keyword + "s?($|\\s[^>\\n]*)quot; const exact = categories.match(new RegExp(regex_exact, "imu")) const similar = categories.match(new RegExp(regex_similar, "gimu")) res.header('Content-Type', 'application/json').send({ ...(exact && {exact_category: exact[1]}), ...(similar && !exact && {categories: similar.map(m => m.replace(/\d+ ?- ?/, '')).filter(c => (exact && c !== exact[1]) || true)}) }) })

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