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My First Playground

node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
This is a playground to test JavaScript. It runs a completely standard copy of Node.js on a virtual server created just for you. Every one of npm’s 300,000+ packages are pre-installed, so try it out:
var d3ScaleChromatic = require("d3-scale-chromatic") let result = [] for(let i = 0; i < 24; i++) { //const index = i % 2 == 0 ? i : 24 - i; //console.log(index); result.push(d3ScaleChromatic.interpolateWarm(i / 24.0)); //console.log(d3ScaleChromatic.interpolateWarm(i / 24.0)); // console.log(d3ScaleChromatic.interpolateWarm(i / 24.0).hex()); } function stripRgb(color) { return color.replace("rgb(", "").replace(")", ""); } function toNumbers(rgbString) { //return rgbString return stripRgb(rgbString).split(', ').map(str => +str); } console.log(JSON.stringify(result.map(color => toNumbers(color)))); //console.log(JSON.stringify(result.map(color => (color.rgb())))); //var accent = d3ScaleChromatic.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeAccent);

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