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node v16.18.0
version: 4.0.0
This is a modification of github.com/redbrain/opendl for use with the RunKit Endpoint feature. Feel free to use the endpoint for your own instance of opendl. Usage is documented in the repo. Endpoint URL: https://runkit.io/redbrain/opendl/branches/master
const {spawn} = require('child_process'); const express = require('@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0'); const bodyparser = require('body-parser'); const ytdl = require('ytdl-core'); const ffmpeg = require('ffmpeg-static'); const app = express(exports); // initialize server app.use(bodyparser()); // form data parsing app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.redirect(302, 'https://github.com/redbrain/opendl'); }); app.post('/', async (req, res) => { if (!ytdl.validateURL(req.body.url)) { return res.status(422).send("Invalid YouTube link/id: "+req.body.url); // error if input incorrect }; const info = await ytdl.getInfo(req.body.url); if (req.body.type === "a") { res.attachment(info.videoDetails.title+' (opendl).mp3'); // make browser treat as attachment const audio = ytdl.downloadFromInfo(info,{quality:'highestaudio'}); const proc = spawn(ffmpeg, ['-loglevel', '8', '-i', 'pipe:3', '-f', 'mp3', 'pipe:4'], {stdio:['inherit','inherit','inherit','pipe','pipe']}); // convert to mp3 audio.pipe(proc.stdio[3]); proc.stdio[4].pipe(res); } else { // otherwise type must be v res.attachment(info.videoDetails.title+' (opendl).mp4'); // make browser treat as attachment const audio = ytdl.downloadFromInfo(info,{quality:[141,140,139]}); const video = ytdl.downloadFromInfo(info,{quality:[138,299,298,264,137,136,135,134,133,160]}); const proc = spawn(ffmpeg, ['-loglevel', '8', '-i', 'pipe:3', '-i', 'pipe:4', '-map', '0:a', '-map', '1:v', '-c', 'copy', '-movflags', 'frag_keyframe+empty_moov', '-f', 'mp4', 'pipe:5'], {stdio:['inherit','inherit','inherit','pipe','pipe','pipe']}); // convert to mp4 audio.pipe(proc.stdio[3]); video.pipe(proc.stdio[4]); proc.stdio[5].pipe(res); }; });

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