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node v6.17.1
version: 1.0.8
/** * This code is responsible for implementing all methods related to fetching * and returning data for a Kosovo sources (HTML page) */ //'use strict'; const moment = require('moment-timezone'); const request = require('request-promise-native'); const cheerio = require('[email protected]'); /***** Add for Open AQ *****/ //const log = require('../lib/logger'); /***** Add for Open AQ *****/ /***** Remove for Open AQ *****/ const debug = false; const log = { debug : function debugLog(...args) { if (debug) console.log('KosovoAQ', ...args); } }; /***** Remove for Open AQ *****/ const openaq_parameters = ['pm25', 'pm10', 'no2', 'so2', 'o3', 'co', 'bc']; const averagingPeriod = { unit: 'hours', value: 1 }; const attribution = [{ name: 'Kosovo AQ', url: 'http://kosovo-airquality.com/secure/index2.html' }]; const staticData = { Drenas : { coordinates : { // 42.62551717860738,20.896225734037785 latitude : 42.62552, longitude : 20.89623 }, city : 'Drenas' }, Gjilan : { coordinates : { // 42.46100366178403,21.467255332788113 latitude : 42.46100, longitude : 21.46726 }, city : 'Gjilan' }, 'Hani i Elezit' : { coordinates : { // 42.153772879592786,21.296323467845127 latitude : 42.15377, longitude : 21.29632 }, city : 'Hani i Elezit' }, Mitrovice : { coordinates : { // 42.89165029364315,20.868949929916425 latitude : 42.89165, longitude : 20.86895 }, city : 'Mitrovice' }, Peje : { coordinates : { // 42.65959450714422,20.284551553936808 latitude : 42.65959, longitude : 20.28455 }, city : 'Peje' }, 'Prishtine - IHMK' : { coordinates : { // 42.64869532066342,21.1371357574585 latitude : 42.64869, longitude : 21.13714 }, city : 'Prishtine' }, 'Prishtine, Rilindje' : { coordinates : { // 42.65939498964757,21.157230867398084 latitude : 42.65939, longitude : 21.157230 }, city : 'Prishtine' }, Prizren : { coordinates : { // 42.21585246455938,20.741575823942526 latitude : 42.215852, longitude : 20.74158 }, city : 'Prizren' } }; function getKosovoAQlatestRawJSON(html) { return cheerio.load(html); } function getKosovoAQHTML(url) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { return request(url) .then(html => resolve(html)) .catch(error => reject(error)); }); } function getParameterAndUnit(header) { const parunit = header.split('['); // header.substring(0, header.indexOf('[')) const parameterUnit = { parameter : parunit[0].toLowerCase().replace('.', ''), unit : parunit[1].toLowerCase().replace(']', '') }; return parameterUnit; } function getParameters(rawParameters) { return rawParameters.map(rawParameter => getParameterAndUnit(rawParameter)); } function getDate(rawDate) { const dateMoment = moment.tz(rawDate, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss', 'Europe/Belgrade'); // No name for Pristina? return { utc : dateMoment.toDate(), local : dateMoment.format() }; } function getStation(rawStation, headers) { const station = {}; headers.forEach((property, index) => rawStation[index] ? station[property] = rawStation[index] : null); return station; } function getRow(tr) { const tds = tr.filter(column => column.name === 'td'); const row = tds.map(td => td.children && td.children.length > 0 ? td.children[0].data : null); return row; } function getStationMeasurements(rawStation, parameters) { const location = rawStation.shift(); const measurement = { location : location, city : staticData[location].city, date : getDate(rawStation.shift()), coordinates : staticData[location].coordinates, attribution : attribution, averagingPeriod : averagingPeriod }; const stationMeasurements = []; rawStation.forEach((rawMeasurement, index) => { if (rawMeasurement) stationMeasurements.push(Object.assign({ parameter : parameters[index].parameter, unit : parameters[index].unit, value : Number(rawMeasurement.replace(',', '.')) }, measurement)); }); return stationMeasurements; } function getMeasurements(rawStations, parameters) { const measurements = []; rawStations.forEach((rawStation) => measurements.push(...getStationMeasurements(rawStation, parameters)) ); return measurements; } function getTable(rawData) { const trs = rawData.children.filter(child => child.name === 'tr'); log.debug('--------------- raw rows -------------'); log.debug(trs); const rawHeaders = trs.shift(); let headers = getRow(rawHeaders.children); headers.splice(0, 2); // Remove station and date header columns. log.debug('--------------- headers -------------'); log.debug(headers); const parameters = getParameters(headers); log.debug('--------------- parameters -------------'); log.debug(parameters); const rawStations = trs.map(tr => getRow(tr.children)); log.debug('--------------- raw stations -------------'); log.debug(rawStations); const measurements = getMeasurements(rawStations, parameters) log.debug('--------------- stations -------------'); log.debug(measurements); return measurements; } async function getKosovoAQ(source) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { getKosovoAQHTML(source.url) .then(html => { log.debug('--------------- html -------------'); log.debug(html); const rawJSON = getKosovoAQlatestRawJSON(html); log.debug('--------------- raw JSON -------------'); log.debug(rawJSON); // jo2: Probably should use JSONata or something similar to do a query for the root data object. // As long as the source HTML page structure is not modified, this should work. const rawTable = rawJSON._root.children[2].children[2].children[4].children[1].children[5].children[1].children[1].children[1]; log.debug('--------------- raw JSON table -------------'); log.debug(rawTable); const table = getTable(rawTable).filter(measurement => openaq_parameters.includes(measurement.parameter)); resolve({ name : module.exports.name, measurements : table }); }) .catch(error => reject(error)); }); } module.exports.name = 'kosovo'; module.exports.fetchData = async function(source, callback) { log.debug('fetchData', source); try { var result = await getKosovoAQ(source); log.debug(result); return callback(null, result); } catch (error) { console.error('Error: ' + error); return callback(error); } }; /***** Remove for Open AQ *****/ /* For local & RunKit testing... */ const kosovoAQurl = 'http://kosovo-airquality.com/secure/ValueTable.html'; const testSource = { url : kosovoAQurl }; const RunKit = true; if (RunKit) { require('request'); var endpoint = require("@runkit/runkit/json-endpoint/1.0.0"); endpoint(exports, async function() { var result = await getKosovoAQ(testSource); return result; }); var result = await getKosovoAQ(testSource); return result; } if (debug) (async () => { module.exports.fetchData(testSource, (error, data) => { if (error) console.log(error); else log.debug(data.measurements, data.name, data.measurements.length); }); })();

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